Seasonal organic produce delivered to my door!? Yes, please!!! I first learned of Misfits Market from my husband. I was shocked and pleasantly surprised! He knows I love a good deal and that I shop organic, so when he saw an ad about Misfits Market he messaged me right away. We read their story and…
September Seasonal Foods
Lunch & Snack Meal Prep
On Sundays we meal prep! This is still very new to me with staying consistent at it, but lunch and snacks prepped on Sunday really make the week go smoother and help me stay on track! I prep for myself and my husband. To help me portion our meals it I use my trusty Portion…
Kale Marinated Greens
I found this recipe in an issue of World Health News. With the many ingredients it is a very healing dish for your body. Everything is raw but when marinated takes on such a great flavor! This batch lasted me about 3 days with a side salad for my lunch. You will need kale greens,…
Homemade Elderberry Syrup
Who has heard of elderberry syrup? I kept reading about how good it was for boosting your immune system and how it can shorten the length of a cold by 3 days. I started to buy it at my local health food store a few years ago and would take it and give it to…